Top 10 SEO Tips

Top 10 SEO Tips

1. Title Tag: Make sure your title represents the keyword you are targeting! Do this for each and every post or article you write. “Would you like to finally get a number #1 ranking in Google in as little as 7 days?”

2. Meta Tags: This refers to your description of your blog. This is the description that comes up in the Google search listing. Make sure this description has your keywords in it. It also refers to your keywords tags.

3. Proper Use of Heading Tags: These are your H1 and H2 tags that you need to make sure are your main keywords. Put the keyword you’re targeting in the H2 part and the broader term in the H1. For example: H1: SEO tipsH2: Organic SEO tips

4. Choose Keywords: Carefully this is really important! Don’t target really broad terms that you will never rank for. Go for the more long tailed keywords that have less competition. Once you start to index your website and develop some actual credibility and page rank you could then start to target some more broad terms.

5. What you name your links as This is really important… you can’t just say “click here” as your link as not only does it not look appealing for your readers but it also doesn’t tell the search engine anything! Therefore you are wasting your linking opportunities.

6. XML Sitemap: Create a site map and submit it to Google. You can easily do this in the Google analytics tool you get with an account at Google. This will help the search engine index your web pages properly and it will reward you for it.

7. Relevant Content Write unique posts or articles. Google loves juicy new articles and posts to go over. It will reward new and relevant content. The content must be related to the topic of the website. You can’t just add anything. Write about your topic and write naturally. Write how you would speak in many circumstances. It is good for your readers and Google loves it.

8. Link Building Just do yourself a favour! Steer clear of link farms and link exchanges. They will not do you any good. They will probably give you irrelevant links. Find other ways to get links. Write an article, and submit it… this is a very handy way to get good quality backlinks. Another thing you can do is exchange a link only with a competitor. This means the link is actually relevant. Answer people’s questions on yahoo answers. Answer peoples worries in a forum.

9. Social Media Social: media is a fantastic way to get your website noticed by others. You might even meet new people in your niche that you can work together with to spread posts, links, and give each other votes. Some networks include, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn — others include social bookmarking sites such as Delicious, Digg, Stumble Upon and many more. One mistake to avoid is being spam my… Don’t just throw content at people at places like twitter, they won’t appreciate it and will ignore it.

10. SEO don’t do’s As much as we like the best things to do there are also a list of things we shouldn’t, Flash websites: If you’re planning to write content and have it noticed by the search engines, don’t use flash. It embeds all the writing into the flash and the search engines can’t read it. They really just don’t get along, so stay “old school” and just write for your audience, it’s enjoyable, helpful, and Google will love you.U 

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